


Wrangelstr. 86, 10997 Berlin


Ooze (5) 3


Reviews are currently predominantly paid for and manipulated. Most comparison portals act in the interests of the companies and show what has been paid for. The survey tools widely used on the internet by companies to survey their customers are inadequate in their data results. This is because the participants in the survey receive a flat-rate financial incentive, regardless of how interested and committed they are to taking part in the survey. This means that the results of a survey are currently not driven by the right motivation and therefore do not provide truly valid data.

trendhub is fundamentally changing this. Because the community is fundamentally rewarded through the GAME OF SKILL principle. In this way, we create the need for participants in the survey to really engage with the topic. However, this also gives the participant the incentive to receive a higher financial reward through increased commitment. On the other hand, this means much better data insight for companies, e.g. a clearer and more real result. trendhub creates 2 types of evaluations. On the one hand, the evaluations are in the interest of the creator of the survey and on the other hand, we have a general independent market interest. It is in the interest of the creator to compile the media of a survey in his own interest. In the interest of the market, however, a fair and independent compilation of the media in a survey should be considered. To this end, trendhub has developed an algorithm in conjunction with an AI that, based on millions of asset media in the market, only allows those assets to participate in a survey that should also be compiled fairly alongside each other on the basis of external market indicators. At the end of each survey, the trendhub evaluation system generates 2 different scores. The sales potential score and the value score. The sales potential score indicates how much sales potential an asset currently has compared to all comparable assets on the market. The value is therefore constantly changing according to the dynamics of the market from 0-100%. The value score is a constantly increasing value as long as the asset participates in the market, or continues to be in demand and participates in the system’s survey. This means that when a common asset is no longer for sale (except for targeted rarities), its value can no longer be maintained.

This completely new approach to taking valuations to a new level for the first time, given how important valuations are, will make trendhub.one a significant platform in the valuation market in the future. This will help us gain easy access to most players in the market.

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